Things that could improve in my every day life

  1. All the mess on our dining table. Half of it gets used as a short term storage, office, general deposit station
  2. Chaos on my desktop: work documents, visa stuff, drawings, letters, money, ... well everything that didn't fit on the dining table
  3. My document filing folder. Today all my documents just fall out, when I opened it.
  4. Space to display photos of friends and family
  5. That I have to store everything sweet in the fridge to avoid ants in the house
  6. Power cable chaos
  7. That we don't have boy or gender neutral purple or pink clothes. My son loves those colors
  8. That my tabletop is very cold and my wrist get cold and sitting on the computer gets uncomfortable
  9. A lot of car drivers ignoring me on the bike, evan with a bright neon jacket.
    Wellington is dangerous to cycle
    (my gap)

  10. That I don't know sign-language to communicate better with my sons autistic friend
  11. Cold arms when I read in bed

I choose to improve my bike situation 9. Please go to my gap for a full explanation.

5/2/2013 04:02:10 am

Hey! It's amazing and impressive that you want to better communicate with autistic kid, not many people think about it. For situation 11 try blanket with sleeves - that's great solution (I have one of these, because I love read in bed).


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    I am Wibke

    I like my family, creativity, good coffee and playing.


    May 2013

